This second module of the e-learning course introduces the topic of engagement between VET providers and industry. Specifically, it identifies the roles of VET centres and companies when structuring and implementing VET placements, highlighting tasks and responsibilities for each stage of the process. It seems trivial to say that engagement between key stakeholders is essential to provide quality experiences to learners, from training design and validation of non-formal/informal learning, to evaluation and monitoring. Learners also play an active role throughout the whole duration of the programme, from connecting potential employers to providing recurring feedback, becoming active agents in their future education/career pathways.


According to the EU Commission[1], vocational education and training (VET) provides learners with knowledge, skills and competence to thrive in the evolving labour market, such as digital and green skills, enhancing their employability and supporting their personal development. Initial vocational education and training (I-VET), in opposition to continuing VET (C-VET), is carried out at upper secondary level and post-secondary level before learners begin working life. This provides learners with the opportunity to apply the theory and skills they have been learning while applying these and studying in a professional workplace, enabling the successful transition from study to work. VET offers industry the opportunity to enrich learner learning experiences and to increase the number of work-ready graduates, while boosting business performance, competitiveness and innovation.


In response to the impact of COVID-19 on the VET sector, VET has been identified as a focus area for cooperation under the European Education Area initiative for the period 2021-2030. In 2020, the Council of the EU adopted a “Recommendation on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience”[2]. Furthermore, in 2020 the Ministers in charge of VET in the EU endorsed the “Osnabrück Declaration on VET as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies”[3]. The two documents define key principles and objectives, amongst others:


·        Supporting partnerships for the governance and for the quality assurance of VET frameworks by involving key stakeholders such as VET centres, industry, chambers, employment services, etc.

·        Sharing responsibilities between VET centres and industry to make VET agile and flexible in providing skills responsive to labour market needs following digitalisation and green economies.

·        Promoting the excellence, sustainability and accessibility of VET by providing learning through qualified staff, digital technologies and innovative didactic methods.


Ensuring the quality of VET frameworks and placements requires the engagement of key stakeholders, primarily VET providers and industry. Since 2009, the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET)[4] supports quality assurance in VET across the EU. EQAVET is based on a quality assurance and improvement cycle (i.e., planning, implementation, evaluation/assessment and review) and a selection of indicative descriptors and reference indicators applicable at both VET system and VET providers’ level. This framework can be used to support the quality assurance of all types of learning environment (e.g., school/work-based learning, formal/informal setting, etc.) and of all types of learning context (i.e., digital, face-to-face and blended). At the national level, the National Quality Assurance Reference Points (NRPs) brings together all relevant stakeholders.







 Figure 1 – EQAVET Improvement Cycle for Quality Assurance in VET

 Figure 1 – EQAVET Improvement Cycle for Quality Assurance in VET


With respect to the indicative descriptors of EQAVET, they are structured by each phase of the improvement cycle for quality assurance in VET. These phases of the improvement cycle include planning, implementation, evaluation and review.


The planning phase reflects a strategic vision shared by the relevant stakeholders and includes the definition of explicit objectives and actions. At this stage, it is important to identify and share resources among stakeholders. The implementation phase is also conducted in consultation with stakeholders and follows explicit principles. The evaluation/assessment of VET frameworks and placements must be supported by a defined methodology and measurements. Data collection is strongly encouraged through indicators/metrics and questionnaires. At the level of VET providers, the framework promotes self-evaluation as an effective means of quality assurance. At the conclusive phase of review, procedures for gathering feedback are part of a strategic learning process.


Reference indicators can be used to support the quality evaluation of VET frameworks and placements.  The indicators are the following: relevance of quality assurance systems; investments in teachers training; participation, completion and placement rates; utilisation of acquired skills at the workplace; unemployment rate; prevalence of vulnerable groups; mechanisms to identify skill needs in the labour market; schemes to improve access to VET and to provide guidance to learners.


Hence, the quality of VET frameworks and placements depends upon multiple dimensions and processes, involving primarily VET centres and companies. The Council Recommendation on the 15th March 2018 for the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships (EFQEA)[5] established the criteria for learning/working conditions and framework conditions. This document induces a reflection about ethical and social considerations. For instance, EFQEA requires VET providers and companies to adhere to national legislation in terms of social protection and health and safety standards. While VET providers should conduct regular checks on the working environment, the duty of care rests primarily with the employer. Companies must carry out risk assessments and provide appropriate training. EFQEA also recommends that industry placements should be paid or at least compensated according to national, sectoral and/or collective agreements, based on a cost-sharing principle between the employer and public bodies.




Última modificación: jueves, 27 de abril de 2023, 12:43